Five Great Elements | 5 week course

Dear Yogis & Yoginis,

Welcome to the 5-week exploration of the Pancha Mahabhutas, the five great elements. The soulful blend of yoga asana and philosophy for inspired living will open the door for a self-exploration of the elements and their manifestation through your body, mind, spirit, and heart. Devote yourself to the yoga practice and meditation, letting these teachings serve you as a guide for living a meaningful, purposeful life in alignment with your individual nature.

Pancha Mahabhutas - ‘pancha’ meaning five, ‘maha’ meaning great, and ‘bhutas’ meaning elements; represent the theory of the five great elements. In the yogic philosophy, we understand that there is one underlying universal consciousness, yet still, we are very individual as the embodied manifestation of Shakti-like energy in motion! 

This embodiment in the form of our body, mind, heart and spirit is an individual expression of nature and its five great elements - the earth, water, fire, air and space.

These elements manifest in ourselves through all levels of embodiment - the physical body, the subtle body, our mental and emotional states; altogether creating our individual nature. I often think about this as the life force, nature, speaking through us. 

You yourself have probably noticed how sometimes you have more fire in your body, which can manifest as this driving force when making your dreams happen for example, or having a bit too much fire that it burns you out. Sometimes you might feel very earthy and grounded, and the other times you might feel stuck in lethargy, turning into a couch potato. This is the play of the five great elements within us. We are aiming for the middle path, for balance, equanimity, harmony. 

Yoga offers so many tools to help us stay in harmony with the nature within us, and around us. With this in mind, I created the 5-week series, dedicated to The Play of the Elements. Each week we will explore one of the 5 Mahabhutas through yogic movement, breath, meditation, balancing gestures (mudras), mantra and philosophy, on this exploration of equanimity and harmony within us. 

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  • 9 hours of Yoga & Meditation
  • Weekly theme by the elements
  • Themed classes & meditations

Weekly preview:

  • 1 element as a theme
  • 75' Elemental Yoga
  • 15' Yoga Espresso
  • 15' Meditation

5 Modules

Week 1: Earth | Prithvi

"It was when I stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself I found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole.” —Rumi

Week 2: Water | Jala

"Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.” —Lao Tzu

Week 3: Fire | Agni

"Allow the fires of transformation to burn away all that doesn't serve you.”  —Heather Ash Namara

Week 4: Air | Vayu

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”

Week 5: Space | Akasha

"Yoga begins with listening. When we listen, we are giving space to what is.” Richard Freeman

Modules for this product 5

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 Pancha Mahabhutas on-demand
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